Monday 13 February 2012

School in the Cloud

I have initiated the process of migrating our school to the cloud.

But the most pressing reason at my school is we have a diversity of devices, platforms and OS. 
Rather than prescribe or provide a set device or model for students and staff we are employing a BYOD model. The origins of this system may have been financial but I am beginning to see it as a smart direction for personalisation of technology in education. 
With approximately 50% of staff and students using macs and the rest using PCs I see a migration to the cloud as the only way to ensure equity of access to resources.

The areas of the school we are migrating to the cloud are:
Admin package
Assessment system
Learning Management System > Moodle
Learning resources > Web tools and interactive learning objects
Data backup
Communication and collaboration tools > Google Apps and Dropbox

It's early days and I have begun the process by exposing staff to Dropbox and Google Apps. By building their own personal networks and sharing resources with their peers I hope they will begin to utilise the www more and build PLNs.

Next step > Twitter and social media :)


  1. Sounds like you are in the right place at the right time. What numbers are you talking? How many staff and students are you leading on this journey?
